Personalized vs. Conventional Medicine


4 steps to help busy adults stay insanely health

  1. In-depth evaluation of your current health status and goals.

  2. Cutting edge diagnostics and interpretation - The focus is on uncovering the core causes of your health concerns, not the symptoms but the underlying core causes

  3. Development of unique and individualized program - Actions to getting your zest back

  4. Requires your active participation and willingness to change - Transformation is possible at any age.

1. Our work begins with an in-depth evaluation of your current health status and goals.

We will also look to test, not guess, levels of health parameters you may already be familiar with, as well as cutting edge health markers.

To determine the root cause of your health concerns and formulate an effective plan, I start with an extensive health history questionnaire. While the questionnaire may ask questions that initially seem irrelevant to you, they provide me (and ultimately you) with very good insight into any potential imbalances that may need to be addressed.

2. Why do you need cutting edge diagnostics and interpretation?

The most efficient approach to combating disease and disability is to pursue the means to modify the key risk factor that underlies them all—ageing itself. Some of the things to modify are getting enough exercise, eating properly, and eliminating stress.

Most people do not even suspect they are ageing prematurely until it is too late, then falling into the belief that ageing can be slowed up with expensive surgeries, procedures, and fancy creams.

Cutting edge testing uncovers the metabolic processes that are contributing to premature ageing and the symptoms that accompany it. Don’t settle for poor health in midlife.

Do you struggle with…

  • Feeling exhausted being less productive and worn out

  • Annoying aches and pains that slow you down

  • Insomnia or poor sleep

  • Low libido or an inadequate sex life

  • An increasing midriff, feeling or displeased with your appearance

  • Contracting every cold or flu that comes around

  • Chronic digestive issues, obesity, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

It is important that we nurture our body appropriately that it starts to slowly age and acquire the diseases of ageing which are obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease, and brain fog, and overall loss of physical performance. Of course, there are those symptoms of fatigue and burnout, insomnia and loss of libido.

For example, I have a patient who eating the paleo diet, based on his own investigation found this diet to be most applicable to his liking and requirements.

Genetic testing showed he should be consuming a Mediterranean diet. The interesting thing from the nutritional testing was his metabolic energy production was low. When I told him he should change his diet, he said, “Doc, I don’t like fish.” When I convinced him he would get better results in the gym, he changed his diet to a Mediterranean one. Now, he wonders why he was ever on a paleo diet.

Genetic testing for this same individual indicated that his workouts should consist more of endurance than strength training. Before having been tested he had torn bicep tendons on both arms lifting heavyweights.

Now with the appropriate genetic database, he is exercising according to his biological makeup using lighter weights and doing more repetition and achieving his desired goals without harming himself.

Another example when genetic testing helped a patient was with a middle-aged vegan athletic female patient who had been a college scholarship athlete, feeling more fatigued and tired after her workouts.

The testing showed she wasn’t getting the appropriate amounts of muscle nourishing proteins. The solution was very clear, plant protein diets cannot supply specific muscle nourishing proteins. What would happen to all the predatory fish, birds, and mammals if they had to eat plant-based protein? They would perish, indisputably.

These proteins called dipeptides nourish muscles, most specifically the fast-twitch fibre of a muscle. Muscles are composed of fast and slow-twitch fibre. If your genetics indicate a predominance of fast-twitch fibres, then your workout should consist more of strength training than endurance. The reverse is true for those with predominately slow-twitch fibres, and those with equal amounts of the fast and slow should do an equal amount of training.

The conclusion is cutting edge diagnostic and interpretation is an intense and potent method of enhancing vigor and wellness.

3. Development of unique and individualized program

After completing the diagnostic testing and interpretation with you which will take approximately two one hour sessions.

Together we will work on refining your goals to help get you the best results. The nutritional test will tell whether you are getting enough vitamins and antioxidants which are so important in the ageing process. I look deeper than just this because these vitamins and antioxidants have a deeper role. Without enough of the right antioxidants and vitamins, you can have mitochondrial dysfunction. Our DNA and hormones are dependent on methylation, dysfunction in methylation can lead to cancer and premature ageing.

Once my patients have completed their testing the next step is analyzing the data which has so many unique applications that is why it is important to use the results to target the patient’s goals.

4. Your active participation

Are you ready to take control of your health? Schedule your initial assessment today and let’s get started.


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